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Products Detail

  • Mono Ammonium Phosphate

    General Properties

    • MAP is widely used in fire extinguishers.
    • We are the one the most prominent manufacturers of Map in north India.
    • We supply quality products at competitive prices.

    Product Name - Mono Ammonium Phosphate

    Appearance - White Crystals

    Formula - NH4H2PO4

    Molecular Weight - 115

    CAS Nos. - 7722-76-1




    98 % (+/- 1)


    4 - 4.5

    P2O5 Content

    Min 61


    NMT 0.005 %


    NMT 0.05 %

    Heavy Metals ( as PB )

    NMT 0.005 %


    NMT 0.005 %

    Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate (ADP), or Mono ammonium phosphate, NH4H2PO4, is formed when a solution of phosphoric acid is added to ammonia until the solution is distinctly acidic. It crystallizes in tetragonal prisms. Mono ammonium phosphate is often used in the blending of dry agricultural fertilizers. It supplies soil with the elements nitrogen and phosphorus in a form which is usable by plants. The compound is also a component of the ABC powder in some dry chemical fire extinguishers.


    MAP is used in Nutrigation and foliar feeding of all crops

    It is used in Preparation of fertilizer blends

    It is used in Production of liquid fertilizers

    Used as fire-extinguishing agent for fabric, woods, paper. For food grade, it is mainly used as ferment agent, nourishment, and so on.

    Used as a high effective non-chloride NP compound fertilizer in agriculture; it contains totally 73% fertilizer elements; May used as a basic raw materials for NPK compound fertilizer.


    Available in 50 Kg HDPE bags with LD liner.


    Keep containers closed when not being used. Avoid breathing dusts or vapours. Avoid direct or prolonged contact with skin and eyes.


    Store in an area that is cool, dry, well-ventilated, Store in closed containers. This product is hygroscopic and tends to cake on storage.